Friday, February 10, 2012

#ThursThreads - Week Nine - Winners

Week Nine of #ThursThreads had some great tales! Thanks to all who entered this week. I'm honored to see all of you and read your stories. And it was great to have some new "faces" join us. Huge thank you to judge Shannan Albright for reading through all of them.

  • @LupusAnthropos
  • Tina Seeborg | @tinaofborg
  • Ryan Strohman | @rastrohman
  • Nancy Porter | @ModernBard1024
  • Daniel Swensen | @surleymuse
  • Sheilagh Lee | @SweetSheil
  • Wakefield Mahon | @WakefieldMahon
  • J. Whitworth Hazzard | @zombiemechanics
  • Cara Michaels | @caramichaels
  • Toni Wyatt | @Toni1777
  • Kimberly Gould | @Kimmydonn
  • David A Ludwig | @DavidALudwig
  • Nellie Batz | @solimond
  • Siobhan Muir | @SiobhanMuir
  • Janie Crouch | @JanieCrouch
  • Maureen | @Emyrldlady
  • Erika Moran | @ErikaMoranLove
  • Greg Nance | @acenance

Winners Announcement:

Honorable Mentions

Janie Crouch | @JanieCrouch
Shannan says: She built the tension and kept me interested very quickly. I thought I had it all figured out in the end when she sprang a twist that had me laughing out loud. I never expected her to be in a Yoga class watching others seeking Nirvana.

Daniel Swensen | @surleymuse
Shannan says: Intriguing idea. Good pacing and I found myself wanting more explanation of what occurred when the fires blew out.

David A Ludwig | @DavidALudwig
Shannan says: I was tantalized with the setting and the main character. The pacing was good and your descriptions were well done. You had me wondering what would transpire when the exorcist caught up with Melatha

Week Nine Winner

Shannan says: The idea of a sickness laying waste to a whole town, though not a new idea, was paced beautifully. The descriptions were flawless and the tension kept my interest. The last sentence left me hanging and I found myself re-reading this piece over several times. Great Job!
Our horses would go no closer, the smell of decay too strong. Sam and I stepped down and proceeded on foot. He handed me a kerchief to mask some of the smell. All around us, corpses lay where they had fallen. No one had moved them; they had all died too swiftly for proper burial. The disease struck with the terrible precision of an expensive timepiece. First, a sniffle here and there, body aches, then dead in twelve hours. No more, no less.

“They expected to find their own personal nirvana,” Sam croaked beside me. Waynesbridge was a new town. Flowers bloomed from painted window baskets. The hitching posts were new. Somewhere was the crisp tang of newly-sawn wood; however, even I couldn’t find it under the fetor. Magic could only enhance the senses so much. These people had come here to realize Waynesbridge’s promise of wealth and a new start. They had not found their earthly paradise. In this town, with its clear, lazy river and tall grass, they had found only death.

I pushed open yet another door to yet another building, expecting to see yet more remains. To my surprise, I found the bore of a filigreed rifle staring me right in the face. At my sides, I opened my hands wide, holding them away from my guns. “How about we talk first, shoot later?” I asked the woman as evenly as I could manage, given the circumstances.

She pulled the trigger.

Congratulations Nancy, Janie, Daniel, and David! Claim your badges and display them with pride. You certainly earned it! :) 

Pass on the great news on Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, shiny mirrors, Morse Code, and signal flags. Check out all the stories here and I hope to see you all back next week for #ThursThreads. :)

1 comment:

Comments are on moderation, so they'll become visible once I've read them. Words, words, words. I love them. Have you a few to lend?

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